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    Language: Chineseline English


    There are several possible reasons for the shaking of industrial ceiling fans:

    Unbalanced blades: If the blades of an industrial ceiling fan are unbalanced, it can cause vibration and shaking during rotation. This may be caused by improper balancing of the blades during installation, damage or deformation of the blades, etc. The solution includes adjusting the blade position, repairing or replacing damaged blades, ensuring that all blades are evenly distributed in weight and position.

    Loose connectors: Loose connectors can also cause industrial ceiling fans to shake. Check if the screws, nuts, and other connections of the ceiling fan are tight. If looseness is found, use appropriate tools to tighten it.

    Installation issue: Improper installation of industrial ceiling fans is also a common cause of shaking problems. Ensure that the ceiling fan is correctly and firmly installed on a suitable bracket, and that there is sufficient clearance between the ceiling fan and the ceiling to avoid any friction and interference.

    Motor issue: Motor failure of industrial ceiling fans may also cause shaking. This may be caused by motor bearing wear, loose or damaged internal parts of the motor, etc. For motor issues, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer or professional repair technicians for repair and maintenance.

    External interference: Sometimes environmental factors can also cause industrial ceiling fans to shake, such as wind power, resonance effects, or other vibration sources. In this case, adjusting the position of the ceiling fan or using measures such as shock absorbers to reduce vibration may be helpful.

    If the ceiling fan continues to shake and cannot solve the problem, it is recommended to consult the manufacturer or professional repair service provider for more specific support and advice.



    Phone: 15967673838 / 18958580918

    Tel: 0576-83583737

    Email: sales@hengli-motor.cn

    Add: No. 30, Baole Road, coastal industrial city, pubagang Town, Sanmen County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province

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